Arctic is coming to Finland or it's all ready here, last sundae here did fall first snow, I'm super happy! and here we change time and now darkness's comes one hour faster than before.
It wont stop me smiling and drawing.
Here is some drawing fro last week, even it was a full holiday, I had good time and have little relaxing...
And last #Sunday art
I truly try to learn art more. I hope people gives me some opinions or ideas that I could try something what I don't realize.
As truly
... My time as sewing haves gone so little... I hope HOPE HOPE HOOOPE ("まいれホープ" from #yugioh XD hehehe) so I hope I found soon partner to continue with me.
I hope you a good week to come!
Here's video link to youtube for the bellow art, how I made it ^^
Thank you.