Unique handmade designs & ART from FINLAND

spring / kevät / 春 / printemps / весна
For the spring is FULL of happenings to Elina, traveling to two shows
and having a one large one month exhibition.
And for next Autumn ... it have's a lot of surprises.
Todella pian,
LAHTI, Sibelius talo
Sielä Elina liikuskelee upo uudella
Mephisto Pheles (From Ao no exorcist)
Rooli asussa.
Tulkaa keskustelemaan haave asustanne!
ps. olen jakelemassa ylläreitä myös valituille exorcisteille =^__ー=*

Show in
It is a VIP Fashion show.
For 40. years old Fashion Model Agency.
To social media and here will come pictures, there will been
seen as the new spring collection with Oshima Tsumugi faumos KIMONO
fabric witch Elina is as first outsider cooperating with.
For the second, is in
LONDON, a fashion week.
By Angelman Syndrome Collections Presentation Soiree
27 April 2019
The Pullman London Hotel St Pancras.
Ticket from HERE
To social media and here will come also pictures
if you cannot come to see the show.
There will be WEDDING DRESS collection
what does compatible with the spring collection.

For the third, is in
KUUSANKOSKI a fashion exhibition.
in FINLAND By PatoClubi.
At old paper factory building, RUUKIN-PORTTI
To social media and here will come also pictures
if you cannot come to see the exhibition.
There will be WEDDING DRESS collection What was in LONDON &
Also the spring collection what was in HELSINKI in VIP show.
Then there will come PEEK FROM UPCOMING
Myös mahdollisuus osallistuu auttamaan
paljettien ompelussa, lisätietoa lähempänä aikataulua.
Autumn & winter /Syksy ja talvi/ 秋と冬 / осень и зима
For the summer was FULL of happenings to Elina, cosplay events for
two and much else.
And for Autumn ... it have's a lot of surprises.
LAHTI, Sibelius talo
Sielä Elina liikuskeli upo uudella
All Might (From BNHA*)
Rooli asussa.
*lyhenne : my hero academia/boku no hero academia, hahmo All might/ eläkkeelle jäänyt super sankari

Hyvinkää, - talo
Sielä Elina liikuskeli uudella
All Might treeni (From BNHA*)
*lyhenne : my hero academia/boku no hero academia, hahmo All might/eläkkeelle
jäänyt super sankari
picture by: @flying_harpy and deck as: @willucosplay

New VIDEOS are coming to
YouTube from Japan travel and from London
Stay in tune at
instagram: official_eewedesign
facebook : eewedesign
Youtube: eewedesign - finland
at instagram comes fastest newest
news and upload informations!
Next is
in Tampere, -house
Elina is there as All might (BNHA) with new
battle version and Elias from (まほよめ)
After that Elina starts to work with the new collection
what is going to be published to online shop at this autumn!
Also after that Elina start to make more fashion design clothes and un done designs to complete.
At instagram you can see the progress from designs and daily post.
Year 2020
Winter /talvi/ 冬 / зима
Oh my... Last year, was FULL of happenings, cosplay events and Fashion...
Also for one year class - Game design college started, busy!
But this year will also have fun upcoming!
DESUCON Frosbite
LAHTI, Sibelius talo
Sielä Elina liikuskeli Real size #shadowthehedgehog kanssa ja
Maria Robotnic rooli asussa.
YouTubeen tulossa video
(linlli liitetään tähän)

Japan, Tokyo
Elina will visit at Japan, at Anime con with All Might cosplay costume!
(moved 2021)

New VIDEOS are coming to
YouTube from Japan travel and from London
Stay in tune at
instagram: official_eewedesign
facebook : eewedesign
Youtube: eewedesign - finland
at instagram comes fastest newest
news and upload informations!