Unique handmade designs & ART from FINLAND

with out it?...

About a costumes, as a
Cosplay- or role ordering clothes from your chosen character.
Order from some time-period.
We know that in cosplay-world is important that the costume has the all details and the clothes does looks real as the character in games, anime or movies. Elina as old cosplayer knows it were well and understand the meaning of " cosplay ilman tuskaa on teeskentelyä "
and we want to give those people a chance to look like a them most popular heroes! in Style!
We make all by hand-made as unique products. We have as a formal-sizes from where customer can choose she's/he's size.
We are now starting also to make cosplay drops. Send us a email about your weapon.
Here's a picture from Elina's favorite old costume what does haves full of stories...

Left, 2017 Tarpon contest.
Right side, 2019 Desucon frostbite , by CONIKUVAT.fi

Here we go AGAIN
This was Elina's prototype
from Character Mephisto.
"it was so fun again! Let's meet in summer too!
By Black background pictures are by Conikuvat.fi

At Desucon
for 15.-16.6. Character as All Might from My Hero Academy.
I did met awesome people,
Let's meet again soon!
By Black background pictures are by Conikuvat.fi

Elina always makes all by him self, clothings wig's design
and the Props/mask etc what includes the character.

Kiitos kaikille!
oli tosi ihana tavata ja tutustua teihin kaikkiin!
Innolla odotan taas tapaamista!
Terveisin... All Might

Go to fan page :Kipukeppi Leader Pain from here LINK

Follow in Youtube Akacosplaytsuki user
from this LINK

Follow here the @KipukeppileaderPein

United state of smmmmaaaaaash!
At Tracon
for 6.-8.9. Character, All Might from My Hero Academy style as All might vs. one for all. Also as Elias in human form from Mahoutsukai no yome (ancient Magnus pride)
Photographer: Helene Lindfors
Director: Saaraz
I did met awesome people,
Let's meet again soon and I hope to everyone great Autumn!
By yellow background pictures are by Conikuvat.fi

Go to fan page :Kipukeppi Leader Pain from here LINK

Follow in Youtube Akacosplaytsuki user
from this LINK

Follow here the @KipukeppileaderPein