Unique handmade designs & ART from FINLAND
EeWeDesign cosplay croup from 2009
After 6 years of break
because design work
"helper" did manipulation she.
Now Elina have get rid of the old "carpet" and started to Cosplay again!
2017 Tracon, Tampere

Years to years
Elina was from 2011
to 2015.2. a Pein from Naruto Shippuuden
After She did be the character, started the fun
Right side, Desucon, Sibelius talo

For Elina Cosplay was
LIFE changing hobby...
Because Elina was all alone, from school she was bullied and so Elina didn't
have truly friends and she was very lively, shining the funny person.
When started, she's first cosplay meeting
was in Tracon 2011 in Tampere, that was a life changing ! She did start to live from
darkness everyday and waiting
with joy for next meeting!
to join again to events, she was the groups
FUN, the people who did gather everybody!

This picture at the left was from Elina's first Cosplay meeting in Tampere city, Elina was 15 years old then.
" Hah so much memories!"

Here Elina sees old friend from 6 years ago at Lahti city 2018
It was Desucon frostbite
Sibelius talo
Making videos
Elina have created a Cosplay croup,
name as AkaCosplayTsuki. You can found it from Facebook, instagram or YouTube.
Videos are old but now She have started cosplaying again so, there will come new videos soon!
"when I get time from work, then yes haha"

I love to be seen and having fun!
When I wear it, I feel strong and
powerful, so much energy!
When I go back home and the next
day comes, I think that...
Im so happy again!
And this ""Pain", have a lot of good memories. I did little remake it
for the contest and for my dear Granny,
This was our dearest work together.
Thank you Granny.
by Elina xxxx
Elina Wättö, Tracon contest 2017

"Too high"
Elina thought between the larger meetings haves long time in between so Elina decide to have own meetings.
Here two pictures from

Can tell you more than a even little word...
You see the joy, fun, laughs, surprise,
funny poses and so much!
Elina just love these days so much and
would hope that she would find it again.
She have taken contact to some old friends who Elina still remembers and can find...
but most of them have move one
with them life what is great!
Elina hopes to everyone good life from here forward.

Memories newer end, it will continue so long as there are people to telling about it for more forward

And the story continues!






