Unique handmade designs & ART from FINLAND
FASHION Collection
W E L C O M E to F A S H I O N site of ours.
We have all kinds of designs, from Men- to woman's collections, rock, lolita and UNISEX DESIGNS
we hope you found here something what you like!
From all designs we test materials to see how they acts before starting working with the order. Wash test and texture.
Now we are searching recycling materials which are from the sea, the plastic. To protect the world. For all designs informations have specified where and what material is recycled or as loss materials are used.

eewedesign @ hotmail.com

Collection ZERO
The collection one, was already designed from 3 to 4 years ago. Here you can see former designs what Elina have done everyday after school.
Wondering why 3 or 4 years ago designs to do? Elina has possibility to make before it is in called "trend", She's style is totally different and very personal.
So now what you see, Elina has designed long time ago and now will be seen on internet. S E E H E R E

Working with Spirit
We are working with our love and spirit to make awesome designs to true. Every time Elina makes a new idea design bag, she goes to meet Teija and talks about it how it can be done and how to make it real. For every projects haves behind long and hard work.

A unique order ?
Hand made in Finland, whit the years of skills of leather, fabrics and whit your size and wishes a stylish and seductive dress, jacket, full look or suit for men and for women.
Ordering a individual unique clothing is
multi-stage process.
To ordering starting, you have to book time for meeting, to discuss wit customer the style and analysis the best style for you, make a design from customers wishes.
First meeting takes about one hour.
Click down bellow to see prices or straight book time. H E R E

Miksi jäädä paikalleen unelmoimaan omasta ihanne vaatteestaan...
Mikset ottaisi yhteyttä?
Valmistamme suomalaisella käsityöllä uniikkisia vaatteita joka menoon kaiken ikäisille. Sinun oman budjektisi verran maksavan. Elina suunnittelee sinulle toiveittesi mukaisen vaatteen ja hioo sen jo piirustuspaperilla todelliseen jotta unelmasi saa jo hahmon.