Unique handmade designs & ART from FINLAND

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Designing Unique
Pattern planner
Creates a formula
Sewer Makes
the clothing
Packing and
Just in Four step

clothings etc.
Tuotteet valmistetaan
Suomessa käsin kankaasta/nahasta sekä yhdistäen kierrätysmateriaalia.
( tästä lisä tietoihin käytännöstä)
Tilaukseen halutessaan on mahdollista että tuote tulee olemaan täysin uniikki (saman näköistä ei ole toisella asiakkaalla)
Tuotte saapuu asiakkaalle kauniisti laittettuna kauniisti koristetuun laatikkoon. Jokainen tuote on kuin lahja sinulle,
toivomme olevan tyytyväinen tuotteestamme.
About the products
They are hand made in Finland from good quality fabrics/leathers.
It's possible when ideating a clothing, we can specialize it, then it won't be as same for other customer, just made for you. Products will arrive for customer in pretty box as a gift. We hope the customers are happy whit our products.

The details
of the Bags
They are fully handmade in Finland whit carefully.
Leather as:
Lamp-, bovine- & buck nappa, sheep-sking & swine-skin Mocha.
We choose best materials to make best long lasting product to customer.

The details
of the Bags
They are fully handmade in Finland whit carefully.
Leather as:
Lamp-, bovine- & buck nappa, sheep-sking & swine-skin Mocha.
We choose best materials to make best long lasting product to customer.

clothings and etc.
ドレスメーカー Teija/テイヤさん
EeWeDesign Oyに協力していますフィンランド、
Tässä on Teija- ompelija
Hänellä on reilu 40 vuoden kokemusta alasta,
vaatteiden ompelusta sekä nahan käytöstä.
Tällä hetkellä hän on EeWeDesign Oy kanssa yhteistyössä
Laukkujen sekä paitojen Suomessa valmistuksessa.
Here's Teija- sewer/dressmaker
She has more than 40 years of experience of clothing industry.
For making clothings from fabric and knows the way of Leather.
Right now she's cooperated whit EeWeDesign Oy to
make products from Finland, Bags and shirts.
When making an order, now it has changed as ordering is going trough email (we apologies but everything is as it always has.) Here you can see is MINI-MASS production and special collections.
All designs are made in FINLAND using local handcraft makers. Elina makes prototypes and the Teija (read more here) makes the orders from customers.
EeWeDesign company have started from 2018.3. in Finland.
We ship from here to worldwide and we recommended to you notice
your country taxes while buying with us.
When you buy designs from mini-mass production, they all are same, when you want FULLY unique design, take a contact by email here eewedesign (at) gmail.com or from this website at
Questions-page or at BOOK TIME-page
From Book a time page you can get more information about unique designing.
We hope you found your favorite designs here and we ship it to you inside 2 weeks (read more here)

The details
of the Shirts
They are fully handmade in Finland whit carefully.
Fabric is changes, it will be always write down the picture.
We choose best materials to make best long lasting product to customer.
When the wind blows.
Pakkaamme tuotteet teille postituksen kestäviin
About the sending
We pack all product in boxes which can handle the posting.*
*/** Jos tuote lähetyksen aikana rikkoontuu, tarvitsemme asiakkaan posti toimistolta lausunnon että tuote on rikkoutunut postin välityksessä
sekä valokuvat vaurioista sekä yhteyden otto meille.
Tuotteeseen tulleesta vaurion suuruudesta keskustelemme seuraavista vaiheista, palautus tai korjaus, riippuen tilanteesta.
*/** If a product is broken during a delivery, we need a customer's post office statement that the product is broken in the mail delivery
as well as photos of damage and contact with us.
We will discuss the following steps, return or repair of the damage caused by the product, depending on the situation.