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Unique handmade designs & ART from FINLAND
2020.24.1. #realsize #Shadow did become complete and it did go to Desucon frostbite as first con.
Elina Started to make Shadow from 2019.6. summer until now 2020.1. it was done, totally as 8 months.
Shadow has been made by hand sawing from inside to outside. There's bones for moving arms, fingers legs and hands. Elina tried to make it close as possible she could make Shadow as it is in real size. High as 100 cm tall and weights 4.7 kg
Every fabric peaces have been sewed by hand to the body only at quills red areas has for little sewing machine work but in the end all by hand connected and details done. (from akacosplaytsuki user in instagram can see pictures from making it and some comments from then Elina's feelings)
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